Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Does your current research topic on sustainability carry the same importance in Singapore as it does with our neighbouring states in Southeast Asia? Why or why not?  Explain the similarities and differences faced by Singapore and its neighbours with regard to your research topic through reference to at least TWO other neighbours for comparison.                         No (with Malaysia). Unlike our neighbour Malaysia, Singapore is very small in land area, and since the population density in Singapore is extremely high, resources are made scarce due to overpopulation and limited land. Although Singapore a handful of reservoirs, the area of the reservoirs are very small. When it is raining, the amount of water collected in the reservoirs will not be enough to sustain our growing population. Clean, drinkable water is more difficult to get from Singapore alone, to the extent that Singapore has signed two water agreements with Malaysia, where Singapore is buying water from Malaysia. The ability to sell some of the water that they have implies that Malaysia has water in abundance. Worse still, one of these water agreements recently ended in 2011, while the other is due to end in 2061, leaving Singapore with a lack of drinkable water in the future. Hence sustainability is made more crucial for Singapore, while in Malaysia, they do not require the purchase of water or obtaining water in non-natural ways, so sustainability is not an issue of major concern for them.                                                                 No. Although water is scarce in singapore that leads to us having to buy water from malaysia (the 2 water agreements) and implement the 4 national taps, we still have enough clean water for our people to drink. However, in our neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia, like cambodia and vietnam, they are unable to provide clean and drinkable water for their people. This leads to many water-borne diseases in this 2 countries.  Yes for certain countries. Less developed countries like cambodia face a shortage of clean drinking water and hence the need for a clean supply and drinkable water is of top priority to the government. Similarly, singapore faces a shortage clean water due to our scarce natural resources. This similar problem highlights the importance of water sustainability in ensuring development of the country. Thus sustainable development of water is both important to singapore and cambodia.  Also, indonesia is also facing a lack water and they are scarce in it. Furthermore, they have a large population and thus this further emphasizes the issue. Therefore, there is a need to raise awareness among the people in these countries. To solve this problem, we need to both raise the peoples' awareness and also implement some rules to conserve water. Such rules can be putting a restriction to how much water a household can use per day. The government can also bring up measures such as building reservoirs or water catchment areas. However, these measures will not be able to completely solve the problem but just prevent the problems from escalating. 

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